Saturday, December 3, 2011

Overview: Mewtwo LV. X promo card

             This here card is a Mewtwo LV. X promo card. It is a basic pokemon with an Hp of 120. This card is a psychic type ultra rare card. This pokemon's Poke-Body is Psybarrier which prrevents all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mewtwo by your opponent's Pokemon that isn't an evolved Pokemon. It also has an attack called Giga Burn which requires 2 psychic type energies and 1 colorless energy and does 120 damage to the opponent's Pokemon. It has a weakness against psychic types times 2 and has no resistance. This card requires 2 colorless energy cards to retreat.

    Pokemon Card Ranking:
                             I would give this card a ranking of 4 ot of 5. My reasoning is because since it has a high Hp it can stand a couple of hits and has a strong attack power to defeat the other pokemon before they defeat it. The energies required also seem reasonable enough.


  1. Its a terable card. Hp of 120 . . Really bad attack . Takes three turns to attatch 3 wnergy and then u have to discard them all.not a basic its a level -up . Its pokebody is great cant be killed be zeky or reshi . Clonkerdurr and SO beated. And alot of othere cards can kill it do your reseach a bit beter.

  2. Why r u being such a jerk? If u don't have n e thing nice to say THEN STAY OFF MY BLOG or I will block you. I am entitled to my opinion and can say whatever I want.
