Saturday, December 17, 2011

Overview: Bisharp from the Noble Victories Set

                    Todays Pokemon card review is on a Bisharp from the Noble Victories set. This card is a stage 1 Pokemon that evolves from Pawniard. This card is a Dark type Pokemon with an Hp of 90. This card has no Poke-body or Poke-power but it does have 2 moves. The first move is called Finishing Blow which requires 1 Dark energy card, does 20+ damage. Depending on if the depending on if the defending Pokemon has any damage counters on it this attack could do an extra 50 damage. The second move is called Night Slash which requires 1 Dark type energy card and 1 of any other energy card. This attack only does 30 damage, and when you use this attack you switch this Pokemon with one of your benched Pokemon. This card has a weakness against Fighting types which doubles the damage done to this card. This card has a resistance to Psychic types which reduces the damage done to this card by 20. The retreat cost for this card is 1 energy card. This card is an uncommon 76/101 card.

                    I would give this card a 4/5. My reasoning for this ranking is that even though this card only has 90 Hp, this card can deal some damage then leave before the other Pokemon has a chance to strike back. And also this card doen't require many energy cards for the moves or the retreat cost. But on the down side if you do not use Night Slash this card would be vulnerable for an attack. And with such a low Hp, it probably won't be able to last more than 2 hits.

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