Sunday, December 18, 2011

Overview: Amoongus from the Noble Victories Set

                    Todays Pokemon card review is on Amoongus from the Noble Victories set. This card is a stage 1 Pokemon that evolves from Foongus.This card is a Grass type Pokemon with an Hp of 90. This Pokemon has no Poke-body or Poke-powetr but it does have 2 moves. The 1st move is called Toxic which requires 1 Grass type enrgydoes no damage, and has an effect that says that the defending Pokemon is now poisened and to put 2 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokemon. The second move ic called Body Sla, which requires 2 energy cards of any kind. This attack does 30 damage and has an effect that says to flip a coin and if the coin lands on heads, the defending Pokemon would now be paralyzed. This card has a weakness to Fire types which doubles the damage done to this card by 2. This Pokemon has a resistance to Water types which decreases the damage done to this Pokemon by 20. This card has a retreat cost of 2 energy cards of any card. This card is an uncommon 10/101 card.

                    I would give this card a ranking of 2/5. My reasoning for this rating is because there is nothing special about this card at all. It cant do much damage and wont stand probably more than 2 attacks.

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