Saturday, December 17, 2011

Overview: Emboar Reverse from the Black and White Set

                    Todays Pokemon card review is on an Emboar reverse from the Black and White Set. This card is a stage 2 Pokemon that evolves from Pignite. It has an Hp of 150 and is a Fire type. This card has no Poke-body or Poke-power, but it does have 2 moves. The 1st move is Heat Crash Which requires 1 Fire type energy card and 2 of any other energy cards and does 50 damage. The other move is Flare Blitz, Which requires 2 Fire type energy cards and 2 of any other energy cards. This attack does 150 damage but when you use this move you must discard all Fire type energy cards attached to this Pokemon. This card has a weakness to Water types which multiplies the damage done to this card by 2. This card has no resistance and has a retreat cost of 4 energy cards. This card is a rare 19/114 card.

                    I would give this card a 4/5. My reasoning for this is because it can do alot of damage without alot of energy cards. And to top it off, it has a very high Hp so it can withstand a big amount of attacks while dishing out major damage.

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