Today's Pokemon card review is of a Druddigon from the Noble Victories set. This card is a basic normal type Pokemon with 100 Hp. It has 1 ability and 1 move. The ability saysthat if this Pokemon is your active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack(even if this pokemon is knocked out) put 2damage counters on the attacking Pokemon. This Pokemon's move ic called which does 60 damage and requires 3 colorless energy cards. This card has no weakness, no resistance, and a retreatcost of 2 colorless energies.
I would give this card a 2 out of 5 because there is nothing very good about this card. has such a low Hp so it will be knocked out fairly quickly. Plus the amount of energy cards needed to do 60 damage, not very good.
Tomorrow's Pokemon Card Review:
Tomorrow I will be reviewing a Leavany from the Noble Victories set.
its a great card , if u attache it with rocky helmet and a pokemon attacks I can do 100 damage. And with abilityboar u can do 60 damage by your second turn.stole my victini pic I see from victinisnoblevictories.blogspot.com and the otjers from primetimepokemon JOCKER
ReplyDeleteWhatever dude. How in the world did I steal this from you? I got it off the internet which is FREE TO ALL!!! Get over yourself and stop being so rude. If u can't handle the fact that others like the same things you do - and if u continue to post rude comments on here, then I will have no other choice than to block you. The mean, hateful and spiteful things you have to say are not condusive to a freindly blog - especially coming from someone WHO IS SUPPOOSED TO BE YOUR FRIEND!! Haters will hate...